Friday, August 14, 2009

A Friday Musing

It will be a busy weekend for us. From sushi to a housewarming, house visits to birthday celebration, and a lot of driving in-between, we are going to be very busy. I love knowing that we have so many people that love us and want to spend time with us, but I have to be careful not to overtire the children. Otherwise, NO one will want us to spend time with them!!!

Lane has been using the funniest phrases lately, and he's been cracking us up! He recently told me that the celery he was eating had hurt his feelings. He also said that he was flushing the people down the toilet. When I asked him what people, he looked at me as if I should know what he was talking about. "The water people, Mommy!" Duh, what I was thinking?

Cora has been talking a lot as well! Her doctor told us that she is speaking above the average 15 month old's vocabulary. Probably an 18-20 month old vocabulary is what she is showing. What can I say? My kids have the gift of gab! Cora's favorite thing to say is Bubba, followed by DaDa, Papa and bawk-bawk. She says thank you for everything (which I love!) and is very good at talking on the phone! She has quite an appetite, so watch out when you are eating around her! Your food is not safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!