Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well, this is my first post to my first "real" blog. Hello world, I have arrived. As a very wise man said, "The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time? Today." So here I am today blogging about beginning a blog. How very interesting.

Well, we had an interesting day... We accompanied my husband to work today. Dustin owns a landscaping business, and Lane loves to be outdoors. What a perfect combination! However, one wasp sting and a sunburn later, I do not love to be outdoors. I was so busy keeping the sun off of Lane that I forgot to protect my own tender skin. Then, in my wifely concern to help Dustin finish the day's work, I stirred up a very rude wasp who decided to put the fear of God in me via sting to the back. A minor irritation, but not a very nice introduction into the world of landscaping. All in all, the day was a success, though. Lane got to be outside, get an insane amount of dirt and grass in his clothes, and we got to spend the day as a family. Well, pretty much.... Cora slept all day in the nice air conditioned house.

Next time I work outside, I'm wearing sunscreen.

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