Friday, August 14, 2009

A Friday Musing

It will be a busy weekend for us. From sushi to a housewarming, house visits to birthday celebration, and a lot of driving in-between, we are going to be very busy. I love knowing that we have so many people that love us and want to spend time with us, but I have to be careful not to overtire the children. Otherwise, NO one will want us to spend time with them!!!

Lane has been using the funniest phrases lately, and he's been cracking us up! He recently told me that the celery he was eating had hurt his feelings. He also said that he was flushing the people down the toilet. When I asked him what people, he looked at me as if I should know what he was talking about. "The water people, Mommy!" Duh, what I was thinking?

Cora has been talking a lot as well! Her doctor told us that she is speaking above the average 15 month old's vocabulary. Probably an 18-20 month old vocabulary is what she is showing. What can I say? My kids have the gift of gab! Cora's favorite thing to say is Bubba, followed by DaDa, Papa and bawk-bawk. She says thank you for everything (which I love!) and is very good at talking on the phone! She has quite an appetite, so watch out when you are eating around her! Your food is not safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


One of the first out of my high school peers to get married and have children, I have attended/been a participant in several weddings since my own. Today, one of the last of my unmarried friends is tying the knot. The difference is, she's moving all the way to Naples, FL. I'm a naturally emotionally person, and weddings REALLY run the gamut of my emotions; today, I feel as if I might soak through several handkerchiefs. I am so very excited for TSB(L) and know that she is marrying a good man. I am sad for the opinionated, grammatically-correct sized hole that she will leave behind. I can't believe how far we've all come in such a short time. 5 years have flown by, swallowed into the oblivion we call "the past". May I be ever appreciative of every moment, every shared laugh, every friendly embrace...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

When the rain comes, it pours!

As a home-grown Florida gal, I am used to the hot summer days, followed by the intense rain, as well as the gorgeous lightning displays during thunderstorms. I am not, however, used to being cooped up in a house with two small children during said rainy season! This summer is a lesson in ingenuity, I can tell you!

As I blog, Cora is sleeping and Lane is doing a coloring "activity". This has been my saving grace with such an active, outdoor-loving boy. All I have to do is breathe the word, and I've got an excited, crayon-and-paint fiend on my hands! We've fingerpainted thank you cards, footprinted Father's Day cards, "snissored" (translation: cut with scissors) and glued mini masterpieces, and play-doughed our little hearts out these past few months.

Another wonderful escape? B-O-Z. What is this, you may ask? Only the best friend any parent could ever have! The big, green bear is a teaching, loving, mannerific friend that teaches Christian values, letters, numbers, and friendship. My in-laws picked up a couple of the dvds for Lane and Cora, and I found my new crutch! Boz is great for distracting stir-crazy children or for lulling them into a false sense of calm, allowing me to transition to nap time a bit easier while I clean up lunch dishes.

All in all, summer is still my favorite season. I'm a true-blue Florida girl, for sure. With a few new tricks, and a LOT of watermelon and sweet tea, I'm able to enjoy it with my children. I hope they always remember the good times... especially after all the hard work I've put into it!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Just something to think about today... If someone tries to be nicer, especially with her (or his) delivery of certain ways of speech, does that matter at all? The effort? Does the effort matter? Or only the results?

When Lane tries to do something good or right, I reward him for his EFFORT. I guess it isn't the same for adults. Blah.