Thursday, July 9, 2009

When the rain comes, it pours!

As a home-grown Florida gal, I am used to the hot summer days, followed by the intense rain, as well as the gorgeous lightning displays during thunderstorms. I am not, however, used to being cooped up in a house with two small children during said rainy season! This summer is a lesson in ingenuity, I can tell you!

As I blog, Cora is sleeping and Lane is doing a coloring "activity". This has been my saving grace with such an active, outdoor-loving boy. All I have to do is breathe the word, and I've got an excited, crayon-and-paint fiend on my hands! We've fingerpainted thank you cards, footprinted Father's Day cards, "snissored" (translation: cut with scissors) and glued mini masterpieces, and play-doughed our little hearts out these past few months.

Another wonderful escape? B-O-Z. What is this, you may ask? Only the best friend any parent could ever have! The big, green bear is a teaching, loving, mannerific friend that teaches Christian values, letters, numbers, and friendship. My in-laws picked up a couple of the dvds for Lane and Cora, and I found my new crutch! Boz is great for distracting stir-crazy children or for lulling them into a false sense of calm, allowing me to transition to nap time a bit easier while I clean up lunch dishes.

All in all, summer is still my favorite season. I'm a true-blue Florida girl, for sure. With a few new tricks, and a LOT of watermelon and sweet tea, I'm able to enjoy it with my children. I hope they always remember the good times... especially after all the hard work I've put into it!!


  1. Aww, I loved the descriptions and snissoring! So cool that your little guy loves to do that stuff.

    I've never heard of BOZ but it sounds great!! Thanks for linking in today!!

  2. Well...I'll just have to check out that B-O-Z for my grandchildren! I love your pic at the top of your blog...the look of sheer delight in Lane's face is quite precious!
